About the Directory

The University of Texas at Austin White Pages Directory is an LDAP-enabled directory published by Information Technology Services that contains public information on current students, faculty and staff.

As of December 2020, the Electronic Directory requires log in with UT EID and password and Duo for multifactor authentication, and is only accessible to members of the university community, as defined by the following affiliations:

  • Current Faculty
  • Future Faculty
  • Current Staff
  • Future Staff
  • Current Students
  • Future Students
  • University Affiliates
  • Official Visitors
  • Retiree

Data in this directory is updated nightly. Student listings are obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Faculty and Staff listings are obtained from Human Resource Services (HRS).

Every effort has been made to make the contents of this Directory as up-to-date as possible. However, keep in mind that the publishers cannot and do not guarantee or assume responsibility for the following:

  • the complete accuracy of all the information found in the directory,
  • the complete absence of errors or omissions,
  • the presence of any unintentional directory entries.

For more information about this directory, please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), which includes details about the information, how it is obtained, and the implementation of this service.

Copyright Information

The contents of this Directory are copyrighted by The University of Texas at Austin. By using the Directory, you agree that you will not reproduce, sell, transfer or modify any of the information found in response to your search requests or use any such information for commercial purposes, without the prior express written permission and license of The University of Texas at Austin. Unauthorized use or abuse is subject to criminal prosecution under both state and federal laws. See also the university's copyright information.

This online directory service is provided by the university to facilitate the research, teaching, learning, and service missions of the university community. Solicitation on university computing and network resources is prohibited by the Rules and Regulations of The University of Texas System Board of Regents. Accordingly, the contact information provided in this online directory service may not be used for transmission and distribution of unsolicited email or other commercial purposes.

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Privacy Information

Student information provided in the Directory is based upon publicly available information and comes from the Office of the Registrar. Students may request that their own information not be released by the university. For more information, see Where does the data come from? and What are student privacy rights? on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Faculty and staff information provided in the Directory is also based upon publicly available information and comes from Human Resource Services (HRS). Faculty and staff members may request that some of their own information not be released by the university. For more information, see Where does the data come from? on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Security features have been implemented to prevent "trawling" of this Directory. These features may result in searching difficulties for users, but are intended to protect the privacy of university students, faculty, and staff.

See also the university's Web Privacy Policy.

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Directory Standards

LDAP is the standard for Internet directories and provides applications with a consistent view and access method. Standard LDAP schemas have been used where possible. This directory is fully compliant with the EduPerson v1.0 schema released by the Educause/Internet2 EduPerson Task Force. This EduPerson schema is designed to facilitate collaborative efforts across institutions of higher learning.

There are a variety of methods to access the Directory. The most common is through our Web gateway. However, the Directory is also available through the use of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

NOTE: Access to the LDAP interface is restricted to the university network as of December 2020. This interface is scheduled to be completely retired in July 2021.

  • Web: https://directory.utexas.edu
  • LDAP:
    • server: directory.utexas.edu
    • port: 389
    • base: dc=directory,dc=utexas,dc=edu
    • maximum entries returned: 50

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Ways to Search

The most basic way to perform a search is to type in a person’s name, email address or phone number in the search box and then hit the ‘Search’ button. Queries are not case-sensitive. The Directory will attempt to match what you type with data that exists in the directory and display a list of relevant results.

Use the "All of UT" option to search the entire UT Austin directory. Because the university has a community of approximately 70,000 people, you may get back too many matches or you may hit search limits. (Search results are limited to 50 entries.) In those instances, you might try to make your query more specific or restrict the scope covered by your search to “Students” or “Faculty/Staff.”

Advanced Searches

The needs of most users will be met through a basic search. However, advanced searches may also be performed allowing users to employ an array of more sophisticated directory features.

Complex Searches

You can also create your own complex searches. The rules are as follows or just skip to the examples:

<filter> ::= '(' <filtercomp> ')'
<filtercomp> ::= <and> | <or> | <not> | <simple>
<and> ::= '&' <filterlist>
<or> ::= '|' <filterlist>
<not> ::= '!' <filter>
<filterlist> ::= <filter> | <filter> <filterlist>
<simple> ::= <attributetype> <filtertype> <attributevalue>
<filtertype> ::= '=' | '~=' | '<=' | '>='

The '*' character can be used to determine attribute existence or as a wild card. The '~=' causes sounds like matching.

Attributes types which can be searched for:

  • utexasEduPersonPubAffiliation (affiliation - student, faculty and/or staff)
  • cn (common name – first name last name)
  • givenName (given name - first name)
  • sn (surname - last name)
  • utexasEduPersonEid (UT EID)
  • mail (electronic mail address)
  • telephoneNumber (office phone number)
  • utexasEduPersonOfficeLocation (office location)

  • For Students only:
  • utexasEduPersonClassification (classification)
  • utexasEduPersonMajor (major)
  • utexasEduPersonSchool (college/school)

    For Faculty and Staff only:
  • utexasEduPersonPrimaryTitle (job title)
  • utexasEduPersonHighestDegree (degree)
  • utexasEduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitName (organizational unit - department or college)


This would match names sounding like "jane doe". Note, if there is a single attribute value assertion, then the outer '(' ')' are not required. Also, the “sounds like” uses a phonetic matching algorithm and may produce unexpected results.

This would search for all persons whose e-mail addresses started with "doe".

This would search for a freshman with "john" anywhere in their name (it would match first name Johnathan and last name Johnson).

This would search for someone whose name starts with "Jim" or "James" and is an "Accounting" major of some type.

Sometimes your search filter will not be detailed enough to get past the size limit (remember, with 70,000 people at UT Austin, you need to be specific). You may find the need to add additional distinguishing attributes to your search. For example, if you are only looking for students, limit the scope of your search to “Students.” It is best to put your most specific attribute furthest to the left, and least specific furthest to the right. Queries are evaluated left to right (parentheses do affect ordering) and the database has a limited number of hits it can store.

The methods involved in creating detailed searches can be complicated but they allow you to ask very complex questions. Most simply, you can always just type what you are looking for in the search dialog and let the default filters attempt to find people for you.

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Known Issues

  • When a "size limit exceeded" response is received from a query, not all the search results have been returned to the user. There are too many matches to return. Receiving this message should be a user's cue to perform a more detailed search. However, users may be unaware that this is their next step.

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